In 2003, The Lower Manhattan Corporation (LMCD) held a design competition for the new World Trade Center Memorial Park.
I teamed up with my friend and fellow designer, Marty Geller, who conceptualized the idea, and together, we successfully presented our brief to Daniel Doctoroff, then Deputy Mayor of NYC inside City Hall.
To help our integration, we were given designs and landscape back plates from the LMDC + The office of Architect, Daniel Libeskind who was awarded with the new WTC building designs.
Our design presentation was simple and thorough. Two massive glass towers centered in a circular pool of water with beams of light illuminating when dark. On our "ring of dedication" hugging the towers are the names of the victims and a title dedication.
Click some of the images below for further details.
Needless to say the design we presented was not chosen but I am proud of the fact that it is included in a book collection of the chosen finalists published by the LMCD and our images sit in the World Trade Center Museum Archives for public review.